Open Disclosure
- Due Sep 3, 2021 at 11:59pm
- Points 11
- Questions 2
- Available Sep 3, 2021 at 12am - Oct 22, 2021 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
Please review Disclosure, and answer questions.
*** Grade Scale Update***
I will manually update 93% to 100% to reflect and A. The default grade scale in Power School is set at 96% to 100% as a A. This manual update will occur at the end of mid-term and the end of term as I lock grades.
West High School
Electronics 1
2020 - 2021 Open Disclosure Statement
Ron Bartholomew room T135
phone 801.578.8500 ext. 1350 e-mail
Course Description: The first in a sequence of courses that prepares individuals to apply technical knowledge and skills to assemble and operate electrical/electronic equipment used in business, industry, and manufacturing. Instruction includes training in safety, electrical theory, parallel and series circuits, Kirchoff’s Laws, schematic diagrams, electrical components, and soldering. This course is the prerequisite for Electronics 2.
Course Goals and Objectives: We will be working to gain the skill and knowledge to pass the state skills test. Increase knowledge of basic electronics and to become an informed consumer.
Course materials include: Electricity & Electronics by Goodheart-Willcox Company IBSN-13:978-159070-207-9 Supplementary educational materials including, handouts, video, selected readings, lab and shop projects will be used to gain expertise in electronics. Electrical components, test equipment, and tools, including soldering irons will be used.
Format and Procedure: Students will complete individual and group work. Participate in group and class discussions. This course will also include lectures, math, projects, and reading and writing assignments. West High School computer labs may be used for some assignments.
Course Requirements:
I have confidence that you can recognize appropriate classroom behavior.
Work safely and with respect for equipment and other students our labs and shop.
Complete a basic safety test without errors (100%) before working on labs and projects.
If you have a question in the skills part of our class, stop and ask.
Complete assignments and homework and turn in when due.
Participate in activities and discussion.
Take responsibility for missed work when absent. (See Grading Procedures)
Pass tests and quizzes.
Complete projects.
Students are expected to attend class regularly, be on time, and come prepared ready to learn.
I will not tolerate behavior that prevents me from teaching or prevents another student from learning. No obscene or vulgar language, expressions or artwork.
School-Wide Student Discipline Plan
First Offense – Student /Teacher Conference
Second Offense – Student/ Teacher Conference/Parent Contact
Third or Severe Offense- Referral to Administration
Classroom Rules:
Be on time (in your seat ready to learn) Be prepared (pencil/pen, notebook, planner)
Be respectful (of yourself and others) Be honest (no cheating, no plagiarism)
Academic Integrity: In this course, no credit can be earned for any learning activity involving academic dishonesty. Plagiarism: Students are expected to do their own work. Information downloaded directly from the internet or taken directly from another source without proper citation is plagiarism and will receive a 0% for a grade.
In this classroom we will follow Salt Lake City School District Policy, and West High Policy for: Discipline, Dress Code, Hall Passes, Electronic Devices, Attendance/Tardy, & Internet AUP (Internet Acceptable Use Policy).
Use of Equipment:
Students are responsible for the cost of repair and or replacement of any item due to abuse, loss, willful damage or misuse. In this class books are equipment. Fines will be placed at the treasurer’s office.
Grading Procedures: Grades will reflect the students work, effort, and participation and will be based on the following:
Daily preparation Assignments Projects
Homework Quizzes and Tests Labs
Tests and quizzes will occur at natural breaks during instruction, and at Mid Terms and End of Terms.
If you have an excused absence you can make up the work. If your absence is unexcused you may not make up the work. Some assignments cannot be made up and alternative work will be assigned. Parents and Guardians can check progress through PowerSchool , or by phone and e-mail.
*** Grade Scale Update***
I will manually update 93% to 100% to reflect and A. The default grade scale in Power School is set at 96% to 100% as a A. This manual update will occur at the end of the term, and mid-terms as I lock grades.
Grade Scale:
A 93% - 100% B- 80% - 82% D+ 67% - 69%
A- 90% - 92% C+ 77% - 79% D 63% - 66%
B+ 87% - 89% C 73% - 76% D- 60% - 62%
B 83% - 86% C- 70% - 72% F 0% - 59%
No district employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any district program or activity on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The district is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, district facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters. The district also provides equal access to district facilities for all youth groups listed in Title 36 of the United States Code, including scouting groups. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries and complaints regarding unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation: Tina Hatch, Compliance and Investigations, 440 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, (801) 578-8348. You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, (303) 844-5695.